Cindy with Candy and Chesty P

Cindy with Candy and Chesty P
My beautiful babies

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Had to Laugh

This morning as John was driving me to work he spied a truck off to the side of the Wal-Mart parking lot. There a gentleman and a young girl had two BT's on their leashes. John pulled over then jumped out of the truck to go visit with the Bostons. I found this funny since he told me when we first met that he did not like little dogs.
After visiting with the man and the two fur kids we learned he was retired from Houston and lives near the Caverns. I also learned that he had recently lost two males to Rattlesnakes.
We said our goodbyes and I headed on into work. After punching the time clock I ran into John as I headed up to the bakery to start my day.
"Did you get the BT guys phone number?" he asked in excitement.
"No but he said he lived near the caverns" I responded wondering why I would get his phone number.
"I just thought maybe Mater should play with his own kind since he doesn't know any other BT's"
I couldn't help but smile at this guy and must say he tugged at my heart a little. I often see him just sitting with Mater in his lap hugging him and talking softly. He tells everyone that Bridget is his because he likes Labs but I know deep down in his heart he has a thing for Mater too.
He told me a few days ago that he just didn't like small dogs.
"Is it a macho thing?" I questioned wondering why he had brought the subject up. You know those Marines have big attitudes.
"No, It's just a preference" he replied as he held Mater in his arms while we sat side by side to watch the sunset.
Today he sent me two text. The first one said remember to drink lots of water. (something I have trouble remembering) and the second was I gave the kids bones and they are happy. I think that Mater and Bridget both have became a big part of his life and John yes you do like small dogs you just need to be a little more mach to admit it.

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