Cindy with Candy and Chesty P

Cindy with Candy and Chesty P
My beautiful babies

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Bucket List

I found this on Cousin Nancy's blog so I thought I would borrow it. This can be fun and I hope I get a lot of responses.

The Bucket List Instructions:
Hit forward and place an X by all the things you've done and remove the X from all the ones you have not. Send it to all your friends including me. This is for your entire life!

() Gone on a blind date -
(X) Skipped school - I was a rebel
() Watched someone die -
( ) Been to Canada - Never been out of Texas
(X) Been to Mexico - may have been forced over the border to shop with my mom and dad when I was a wee child. All I remember is ALTO signs and lots of flies on the food
() Been to Florida -
() Been on a plane -
(X) Been lost - my sense of adventure kicked in and I found my way home
() Been on the opposite side of the country -
( ) Gone to Washington, DC - no thank you
(X) Cried yourself to sleep - and looked like you know what in the morning!
(X ) Played cops and robbers - my brother had walkie talkies and my sister and I were always the bad guys
( x) Recently colored with crayons - one of my favorite things to do
( ) Sang Karaoke - yeah right
( ) Sang in front of a large audience (200 or more)
() Spoke in front of a large audience (200 or more)
(X) Paid for a meal with coins only - hasn't everyone
(X) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't - yes I had kids
(X) Made prank phone calls - Is your refrigetartor running?
(X) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out your nose -
() Caught a snowflake on your tongue. I'm a Texan we don't know what snow is.
(X) Danced in the rain -
(X) Written a letter to Santa Claus - I just send him a message he is one of my friends on MySpace

(X) Been kissed under the mistletoe - he he he I loved it.
(X) Watched the sunrise with someone you care about - many moons ago with my first and only love.
(X) Blown bubbles in your milk -
() Gone ice-skating -
(X) Wished upon a falling star - one of those wishes came true
( ) Swam with Dolphins or Stingrays- Does having a dolphin tatto and swimming count?
(X) Drove as fast as your car would go -again I was a rebel
(X) Laughed until you pee'd your pants..or sneezed, passed gas, puked, or fell down- Nearly did the other day when Nickie and I started laughing at work. She was on the floor and I had tears running down my face. Our supervisor Keith said quit having so much fun.

About you:
1. Any nickname? Yes, Honey,Keyloulou, honeybuns, and the dreaded Cindy Wendy and Windy Hill.
2. Mother's name? Wanda
3. Favorite drink? Water or an ice cold beer on a hot summer day
4. Tattoo? Boliver the blue dolphin, a heart in the center of the Hill Country and a weird star on my hand that is the result of being young and dumb.
5. Body piercing? Nope
6. How much do you love your job? It would be a delight with out the crap that comes with working retail.
7. Birthplace? Houston, Texas
8. Favorite vacation spot? I'll have to look that word up in the dictionary. I don't believe I have ever had one.
9. Ever been to Africa? If it's not in Texas I haven't been there. LOL
10. Ever eaten just cookies for dinner? sad to say but yes
11. Ever been on TV? Yes, I was on a talk show when my Mickey and Pookie renewed their vows. I looked and sounded like a dork
12. Ever steal any traffic signs? No, but my kids have brought them home. I made them get rid of them. It is against the law to have stolen property in your possesion.13. Ever been in a car accident? Yes, when I was in the sixth grade. My brother spilled his cherry icee on my pretty white fur coat and the paramedic's thought it was blood at first. The coat never came clean.
14. Drive a 2-door or 4-door vehicle? yes, I love my truck but I have driven cars.
15. Favorite hobby? Writing, painting, creating
16. Favorite pie? coconut meringue17. Favorite number? 5
18. Favorite movie? Men in Black, Lady and the Tramp, all of Mel Brooks movies
19. Favorite holiday? Thanksgiving
20. Favorite dessert? anything with sugar
21. Favorite food? Fruits and vegetables
22. Favorite day of the week? Wednesday
23. Favorite brand of body wash? Dove
24. Favorite toothpaste? Crest
25. Favorite smell? Magnolia blossoms
26. How do you relax? sitting on the back deck with a cold beer watching Mater and Bridgett play
27. How do you see yourself in 10 years? approaching 60 and taking the world by storm
28. Furthest place you will send this message? that depends on who reads it
29. Who will respond the fastest?

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