Cindy with Candy and Chesty P

Cindy with Candy and Chesty P
My beautiful babies

Friday, November 30, 2007

No more Cindy Lou Who!

Okay I know it is the season for the Grinch who stole Christmas but I believe I have heard enough of the Cindy Lou Who thing to last me for the rest of the year. Since I just started working at Wal-Mart and my name tag reads Cindy Lou it seems that everyone that sees me has to say hello Cindy Lou Who. Today as a lady came through my line she laughed and said "Hi Cindy Lou hows Who ville?" I had to admit that was funny. Today they placed me on the express checkout which I thought was a bit funny since it was only my second day on a register alone. Lets go ahead and put the new cashier on the busiest register so she can slow down the process. (Well I must say I did a damn good job of not screwing up today.)
As I was standing by the red line waiting to flag down someone hoping to check out a nice gentleman walked by so I greeted him. He looked down at my chest and when he saw my name tag he stopped dead in his tracks. With a sly grin on his face he walked over and surprised the crap out of me by hugging me. I am not accustomed to strange men embarrassing me in Wal-Mart so I was shocked to say the least. He said " Hello Cindy Lou I'm sorry but you were just too cute to pass by." I laughed and said well thanks for the hug you made my day. One of the other cashiers witnessed this and was laughing at my response to the hug. Then along came an elderly couple and I asked them how they were . They responded with fine and you." Of course I always say I'm wonderful so the older gentleman reached out and hugged me then replied" Yes you are." I was grinning after that. The other cashier was now wiping tears from her eyes so I told her I must be wearing my pheromones today. She looked at me and ask what are pheromones?
I asked her if customers at this particular store were always this friendly and she replied no you just seem to be attracting the hugger's today. At least I can say that I really enjoyed the hugs too bad I didn't know who the first guy was and the older gentleman made me feel like my dad had came down from heaven or where ever you go when you step on a rainbow just to give me a hug.
I really enjoy talking to the customers and spend most of the day joking with everyone that comes through my line but I must say the older gentlemen seem to be the ones that enjoy the attention I give them the most. I can't help it I love the silver in their hair. LOL Just don't tell Wal-Mart that I'm enjoying my job so much they may want to charge me admittance to the store.

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