Cindy with Candy and Chesty P

Cindy with Candy and Chesty P
My beautiful babies

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Just Icing on the cake

Well with the new life in the Hill Country I ended up with a new job. Okay it is not really a new job but it is a new position. I left Wal-Mart in March because I needed to spend some time with my daughter and grandson. Well I thought I was through with Wal-Mart but I guess I wasn't. My past position there was a cashier but the Assistant Manager decided I would be a great Cake Decorator even though I have no training or work experience. I accepted the position since the pay was the same as I was getting as a cashier. Friday was my first day in the Bakery and lets just say it was a doozie. I am learning how to pipe and decorate and I actually enjoy creating messed up looking cakes. Today I airbrushed a few and they were flying off the shelf. I guess people liked my lake and hillside scenes. Maybe it was because it looked like the lake area here or just the Memorial Day weekend and people wanted a summer look on their cake. Today a customer threw a fit about a cake the cake decorator hadn't started before she had left for lunch thus getting all the Customer Service Managers and the Assistant managers all to come to the bakery and help me disassemble cakes because the cake she wanted didn't exist. Well at least I can say they know who I am now and they speak to me as they pass because they know Cindy Lou just does as she is told. One of the Managers sat and chatted with me as I took my last break a half hour before time for me to leave. He thought it was funny that I was so busy getting all my work done that I lost time. We talked about the last few people that tried Cake Decorating and quit because of the stress. I laughed and said "Well it is actually fun and I'm enjoying it" He said "I'm glad we hope you decided to stay" That made me laugh. Then one of the Managers walked up to me in the break room and ask "Who are you and where do you work?" I said "I'm Cindy Lou and I'm in the bakery" She then walked over to the smoking lounge opened the door and announced "She is Cindy Lou and she works in the bakery." I wasn't sure how to take that but thought okay they know I'm here.
Maybe this Wal-Mart is a crazy place or just all Wal-Marts are crazy places. Needless to say here I go again a Wal-Mart associate and again I am learning a new skill and I am enjoying myself. The problem with working at Wal-Mart is when you get home all you want to do is get undressed and go to bed. That means the only clothes you see when you do laundry is you Wal-Mart uniform and your pajamas. I can say this I have seen so many cakes come and go I am not interested in eating cake.

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