Cindy with Candy and Chesty P

Cindy with Candy and Chesty P
My beautiful babies

Sunday, May 18, 2008

New Surroundings

Okay I am used to living in the same area for most of my life. I know the Houston area fairly well and have lived in the northern part or just out of the northern part since I married in 1980. When the husband and I separated in 2002 I moved a short distance away but ended up back in the same house. Well I did something totally out of my normal way of doing things I moved 216 miles away to stay with some friends until I get on my feet and get my own place. I don't know the area so I don't venture out much. I will be starting work soon and have learned the way to Wal-Mart and back with out a problem. The funny thing is I love this adventure. I now live in a beautiful area with great scenic views. Sharon took me out the other day for a short drive so we could both get away from the computers for awhile. She had been spending most of her days preparing the agenda and updating the address data base for her Post Polio group the Branson Goers and I had been busily going over the proof sheets the publisher had sent me on my book Out of the Texas Mist. She decided that I needed to see the area before she and her husband Donald left for their three week trip leaving me here alone with the three Poms and my BT Mater. I think she realized that I am a big home body. I grabbed my cameras and we headed out for a short drive so she could test out her newly fixed van before the big trip.

Now I have found out that I will have my own place a lot sooner than I thought. Their son Jeremy and his soon to be new wife Alexis have bought them selves their own place in Kingsland so when they get back from their wedding on June 6Th they will start moving into their new home. Sharon and Donald offered to rent me Jeremy and Alexis's old place next door. I am so excited. I have been independent in thinking and in action for nearly six years but now I will actually be independent. I will have my own place. WOOO WHOOO!

On another note I must say that Mater is loving his new home here and has fun playing or trying to play with the Poms. The funniest thing is he has actually convinced Stuart to play with him. For those that do not know Stuart he is the little Pom that Kinky Friedman rescued with the help of a friend then was unable to keep him because of jealousy issues between him and his dog Mr. Magoo. Stewie as we lovingly call him is a bossy old man whom wants things his way. He is also a ladies man and gets in your lap then demands attention and talks and rambles as you pet him. Mater was a little worried about Stewie getting his attention at first but once he saw that he was the one snuggling up next to me and night and no one else he realized that his place at my side was secure. However Stewie has now started coming into my bedroom and jumping up on the bed with me and Mater wanting a snack because he knows that Mater has goodies in the room. It is heart warming to see the old Pom chasing Mater across the living room and then coming into my room to fuss at him so he will let him chase him. Chocco and Mater play chase once in awhile but so far the 7 month old Mater has more energy than all the poms combined. I just hope Mater adjust to me being gone for work everyday and he may be stuck in his kennel because I am not sure what else to do with a hyper Boston Terrier puppy when you are at work for 9 or more hours. I guess he will be going on a lot of long walks along with the 3 Poms once Donald and Sharon are gone on their trip. How else will I be able to make up for the fact that they will be secluded to small areas while the people are at work or away. It will only be for three weeks so we will all survive.

Well now that the proofs have been sent back to the publisher I am happy to say all that is left now is to design the cover for my book. I am excited about being a published author and look forward to the days to come when I see it actually in print and I start working on getting those important contacts with book stores so I can get them on the shelves and get some book signings set up. All I have to say is LIFE IS GREAT!!!

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