Cindy with Candy and Chesty P

Cindy with Candy and Chesty P
My beautiful babies

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Am I in Love?

As I was sitting in the break room Sunday evening Alva from the Jewelry Department came in then hugged me real tight. I looked up then smiled at the sweet woman that had been reading Out of the Texas Mist.
“Cindy you have to tell me does Kinky know that you are in love with him? Has he read your book?”
Shocked at the question I replied “Well Alva I sent a copy before it was published and I gave him one that I had signed for him. He did say he read parts of it and he liked it so I hope he read the rest of it.”
“Does he know how you feel about him?” she demanded as she sat down across from me.
“Alva I don’t know how I feel so if he knows then maybe he should tell me” I joked trying to figure out why she was so excited that I was attracted to Kinky Friedman.
“What about that good looking Deputy Ben where did you meet him?” She inquired as she leaned across the table to whisper her question.
“Alva you do know the book is fiction and Ben is just a figment of my imagination right?”
“Yes I know it is fiction but I do know you have a thing for Kinky.” she admitted. Well that just blew my cover I guess it was obvious the Jewish Cowboy had caught my attention. After I sat there and explained that I had never been alone with Kinky and the most attention I had gotten were a few hugs she was still gun ho about the two of us hooking up. I then explained that Kinky was a playboy of sorts and had all types of women stashed here and there.
“Come on Cindy everyone knows you are taken” she offered as she stood up then left. Shocked I looked around the break room and realized several people were staring at me. Okay maybe I blew the discrete part of my little crush when I wrote the dedication to Kinky at the beginning of the book. I figured if Kinky didn’t know that I was attracted to him then maybe he needed a check up from the neck up. The funny thing about crushes is are they just an attraction or is there some real feelings there.
As more and more people read Out of the Texas Mist then approach me to ask if Kinky knows I am starting to wonder if maybe I need to get face to face with the Kinkster and see what he thinks.
I must admit I have a deep respect for the man and he is one great looking cowboy but am I really in love with him? Maybe that is why I haven’t met anyone.
I have been having so much fun writing these little fictional stories I have fallen in love fictionally and haven’t even noticed. So the big question is ....Am I in love with Kinky?

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