Cindy with Candy and Chesty P

Cindy with Candy and Chesty P
My beautiful babies

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

On the Road Again

Well I can honestly say it sucks to be with out a vehicle. I had the day off Saturday Oct 25th and I loaded up Mater and Bridgett so we could head off on an adventure. Our destination was Fredericksburg. Just after we passed 71 my truck Firecracker made a weird sound then I lost compression making it hard to get over thirty five miles an hour. Heading back home I begged Firecracker to get us back safely. Well it just so happens that the electronic ignition system that I had put in Firecrackers distributor had worn out so had the distributor. Arranging a ride to work on Sunday I figured I would get the part on Thursday when I got paid. As I explained what had happened to my truck to Johnny in Produce on Sunday he offered to lend me the money to order the distributor so I could get my truck finished sooner. I was thrown that so many people were offering help in giving me rides. I must say my fellow associates at Wal-Mart are wonderful people. Finally with distributor in hand on Tuesday we attempted to stab it. Problem number three the rod that runs from the distributor into the oil pump had came undone. I was heart broken knowing I would have to drop my oil pan to try to fix the problem and I did not have the tools necessary to do so. Needless to say I was blue for a couple days then when Saturday rolled around and I realized that I had been without a vehicle for a week I spent my day in tears. I called Kinky Friedman to wish him a happy birthday while I was on break which did lift my spirits some but not even Kinky could pull me out of my depression. I did have a half of a smile for about a half hour.
Don went home then told Sharon that I had cried at work most of the day so she grabbed her phone then called my son Justin to tell on me. He called to see what my problem was. When I explained he told me he loved me and that they would come down next weekend to help me out. I was so happy that I would be seeing my boys soon which pulled me right out of my depression.
Sunday was a better day and as I walked around my yard waiting on my ride of the day to pick me up for work I picked up a little acorn, made a wish that my truck would be fixed real soon then placed it in my pocket. I spent most of the day feeling better. Josh called me around lunch asking me what I needed for my truck. I explained that we just needed to get that pin back in place. He reassured me that they would be there late Friday. I had a big smile on my face after I hung up then told all my friends there in the brake room that my boys were coming to my rescue. Later in the day as I was in the personnel office doing a necessary Computer Based Test over Hazardous materials in the work place when the door opened and Lupe from produce walked in and said some one was looking for me. I looked up and there stood Josh, Elizabeth, Justin and Sheena. I was flabbergasted. The foursome had driven four and a half hours just to come help me on the spur of the moment. Tears poured down my face as I rushed to finish my work so I could leave early. Needless to say josh had the pin in place, distributor stabbed and my truck purring within a half hour. The kids took me out to eat at River City Grill before leaving for the four and a half hour drive home. Now that is what you call love. I am so proud of my kids and the great adults they have become. I did learn one thing that weekend I found out that I am a hermit. I will tell you that tomorrow.

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