Cindy with Candy and Chesty P

Cindy with Candy and Chesty P
My beautiful babies

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Three Stooges

Mater and Bridget have a new friend. Big Boy is a huge Pit Bull that thinks he is a kitten. He loves to give and receive love and climb into the unsuspecting lap. Lately he has been spending a lot of time in the back yard with mater and Bridget when they are out getting their exercise. After playing on the trampoline with Mater and Bridget yesterday I realized that they remind me of the Three Stooges. Mater thinks he is Moe of course and tries to tell Bridget (Larry) and Big Boy (Curly) what to do. The funniest thing is he jumps on the trampoline and barks at Big Boy as he walks under the trampoline to stay out of the sun. I have never really been on a trampoline before so I was not aware that when you are an older adult jumping on a trampoline makes you dizzy. I did however have a great time with Mater and Bridget on the trampoline as we sat there and hugged and wrestled. I guess you can say my day off was wonderful.

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