Cindy with Candy and Chesty P

Cindy with Candy and Chesty P
My beautiful babies

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Murder in a Literal Sense

Murder in a literal sense
Sharon and I were discussing my current project Case of the Dead Husband when she advised me that I need to kill Tom to cleanse my id so I could heal from the years of heartache and abuse. I agreed but I told her that I didn’t want my character to be a bad person because she had at least two more stories to be the heroine and I wanted her to be a fair and decent person except for the lusting after Kinky Friedman thing that seems to work its way into every story. Maybe I need to seek psychiatric help on that avenue. It does make for a funny twist to the two characters friendship though. I’m not sure how the real Kinky Friedman feels about this because he hasn’t voiced any concerns. Maybe he finds it funny too or just realizes that it is a work of fiction. I have already prepared the speech incase he does ask me why my character insist on lusting after his character. “Kinky it is a work of fiction” I advise smiling as I add a wink in for good measure. I am positive this will throw him off and he will change the subject. Regardless the abusive ass of a husband must die in the story so I can rid myself of him in a literal sense. Then hopefully the bad dreams I have been having with him in my life will stop and I can get a good nights sleep. I like the dreams of Kinky better they are fun and full of adventure and I don’t mind missing a little sleep for the Kinkster.

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