Cindy with Candy and Chesty P

Cindy with Candy and Chesty P
My beautiful babies

Friday, May 2, 2008

One week down one to go

This week went by fairly fast but not fast enough because I just want to be gone. I have to admit I had forgotten how tiring it is to work at Kroger especially in the Deli. My back hurt so much today I was taking pain pills every two hours and they really didn't stop the pain. I enjoy meeting new people and the other associates are a blast. I have chatted with them all I believe and they mostly know everything about me because Tom works there in the produce department so they were told about me before I even started. What he failed to tell them is we are separated and I will be moving soon. This doesn't matter because I am already gone. I spent a few hours the last couple days packing more boxes until I ran out of packing tape. You never realize how much junk you have until you try to figure out what you can take and fill a small room with and what needs to be left behind. The part that kills me is I will have to leave most of my sewing and craft stuff behind. Tom promised it would be here when I came back for it but this is from a man that does not know how to tell the truth.
As I was sitting down for my break today he came by to tell me he was off work and heading home. When my cell phone rang and it was one of my old friends from the other Kroger he got pissed off as I chatted with her. When he heard me tell her I was moving in a week he came unglued. I was told I was being stupid and he was the only reason I had a job. I explained no Kroger will hire any warm body to do the work that was probably why he had a job.
He left then came back up a half hour before I was to get off and he was as nice as can be. I didn't know what to think but just said hey what are you into. He was shopping for himself and he wanted me to see that. Heck he could have shopped at the store close to our house but no he went ten miles out of his way so I could see him shop. I guess he thought that mattered.
I still treat him with respect even though there are time I feel like strangling him. I am a good person and I deserve some happiness and if moving 200 plus miles makes me happy then that is what I will do.

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