Cindy with Candy and Chesty P

Cindy with Candy and Chesty P
My beautiful babies

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

In the Wild

Yesterday John and I had a great day. We went for a little drive then headed to HEB for supplies before stopping by the Post Office to grab my mail. Of course my mail was mostly junk mail but it was mail none the same. When we made it back to the ranch a mother deer and her fawn were congregating by the fence line. I lifted up the camera to snap a few pictures. I did get a few good ones but most of them were blurry. I was having trouble balancing the camera on the window. The mother deer saw us looking then ran off into the woods. The baby waddled on her wobbly legs over to a tree then lay down. we parked the truck then I snapped a few pictures of the fawn by the tree. John was concerned for the baby. I suggested we go in and give the momma a chance to come back. I assured him that if the fawn was still there in an hour or two we would rescue her and make sure she made it. We went inside and when we returned an hour later the fawn was gone. I just thing nature is wonderful.

Friday, June 26, 2009

And I'm Done for Now

Well last night was the final night for Course One of the Wilton Cake Decorating Class. Now I must decide if I want to sign up for Course Two which will cover flowers. I really want to learn new flowers but I don't know if my schedule at Wal-MArt will interfere. Then there is the little thing with the cost of supplies. I liked my final cake but there was a few flaws but what the hey I am only human.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Good Company

This was a fun weekend. Not only was it Fathers Day weekend but I was graced with a visit from my youngest Justin and his better half Sheena. We had a great visit and they enjoyed themselves here on the ranch. John and Justin bonded over Wii golf and bowling while Sheena and I chatted as I made Zucchini Bread. John and Justin then played a game of pool while I painted a picture for John's mothers Birthday. When we were through playing around John grilled some great steaks and we ate a great late lunch early dinner. A great time was had by all. I hated to see Justin and Sheena leave but I was glad that they took Kristan's stuff to her plus some stuff we had gathered for Boog. I hope he likes his new bed set and his Tonka truck. I am off today so I hope we have a quiet Fathers Day because it is off to work tomorrow. I got up then finished John's Mom's Birthday Cake and we plan on taking her out to eat. SO much for a relaxing day. For some reason I am always on the go.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Cake and Eat it Too

Class 3 cake

practice roses

Ants on my melon cake

Today was a tough day for me. I had a bunch of orders plus more people came in expecting a cake today. I wish customers would be more considerate. We have a lot of orders and it is just so inconsiderate to walk in or call and expect us to make you a cake. I am all about customer service but come on people we are not miracle workers. There are days that we have so many orders we are literally rushing through the day to make sure all are done on time. Then there are days we start behind and never catch up. Today was one of those days. Then at the last minute someone called in and wanted a cake for 7am. Since Wal-Mart has cut our hours and I no longer go in at 7am I had to make the cake giving up my last break which I badly needed. I did manage to make one of my favorite cakes today. I love doing the Ants on My Melon Cake.

Then as I finished filling the case before leaving I realized that after a full day of icing cakes I had a cake class to go to. Well the class was great and my cake turned out pretty great.
I am enjoying taking the class and to make things better I now have a lot of neat tools to make cakes at home.

Monday, June 15, 2009

It Was On Like Capone

This morning just before our bike ride John took Mater and Bridget next door to the big house to hang out with Lucy the Basset Hound and Coco the Pomeranian so they wouldn't be alone in the Pea Pod. When we were through with our ride John ran to the big house to grab something when he heard a huge ruckus. One of the Long Black haired house cats had started another ruckus but this time the dogs had her cornered in the Master Bath. It was like the US Military after Bin Laden. The Evil Do'er was up on the far edge of the huge garden tub tensed and in fighting stance. Mater the Boston Terrier (who must have been representing the Marines) was in the Garden Tub while the rest of the armed forces were at the tubs edge barking their heads off. Of course I am getting this all second hand. John said fur must have been flying because there was black fur everywhere. I headed over to the big house so I could start his mom's laundry and took a look for myself. Indeed there was black fur everywhere. There was only one cat in the window so possibly her twin sister had tired of the whole chase and went else where. It has been an ongoing battle between the black cats and the resident dogs. The cats will stand on the edge of the counter and hiss unmentionables at the dogs who in turn jump at them and bark back their own reply. Several times the cats have been chased through the house and out the pet door. I don't know what it is about these two particular cats. Mater and Bridget get along with the other felines that call the ranch home but for some reason the two long haired Evil Do'ers cause all the dogs to have conniption fits. Maybe it is something they say. I guess this morning the Evil Do'er didn't know that the four legged Military of the Big House were in the mood to go to war. I guess Lucy and Coco were representing the Army like their mom and dad. Mater and Bridget must have been representing the Marines. I wonder where the Navy and Air Force were during this skirmish?

Sunday, June 14, 2009

I Can't Believe it has been that long

Today marks the twentieth anniversary of my fathers death. I was a daddy's girl for most of my life. I would follow him around when he was at home. When we went shopping I would opt to hang around my dad not my mother. I would hang around him as he piddled around the garage and yard. I even helped work on the family vehicles. I learned a lot from my father. He used to tell me little things like "If you lose your temper you lose" or "Walk softly and carry a big stick" and tell me all sorts of tales about his life as a child and young adult. I never heard my father raise his voice or curse. He had large strong hands but a gentle touch. I remember sitting and watching his hands as he repaired the family station wagon. I remember long summer drives through Texas. My dad was a wonderful man and I am proud to say I am a lot like him. Maybe I am this way because of his guidance. It doesn't matter I am Keyloulou. The eldest daughter of James Gayhart. I love you Daddy and I miss you tremendously.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

All in a Storm

Thursday was my cake class and as we were decorating our cakes a storm ensued outside. When the class was over John and I discussed the tornado warning and the heavy rain. We decided to head to downtown Burnet so we could stop and get my mail. Well we didn't make it to the Post Office. Once we saw the tattered flag at the Auto Dealership and the rubble of what was once a Wrecking yard we decided to head back to the ranch to make sure all was well on the home front. The kids were happy to see us and shaken. The Green house was in tatters and limbs were down everywhere. Then as we were about to go to bed the news announced round 2. One thing bad about summers in Texas is the unpredictable bad weather.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Fishy sort of Day

Sorry Mater but you can't go this time.

Today John took me fishing on Inks Lake. We usually go there and fish from the bank but since I am on vacation he decided to take me out in the boat. We got up at 4am then ate a light breakfast before making sure all was well in the animal kingdom at the big house. We had loaded the boat and truck up last night so we could get to the lake at sunrise.

Sunrise June 9, 2009 at Inks Lake

My job was to hold the Blue Skeeter's leash while John pulled the trailer out from under her. She slowly slid off the floated their patiently until John parked the truck the hurried back to climb in then hold her still so I could climb in too. Once we were in the boat he strapped my new yellow and black life jacket on me then put his Bass Pro Shop live vest on before he turned the key and started the motor. We idled out to the marker.
John The Captain oops I mean Sargent

So happy

John pushed the throttle and we were sailing on top of the water as he headed out to a few placed he wanted to fish. The first place we stopped I was anxious to fish so while John was figuring out which rod to use I cast out side ways then reeled in slowly. Suddenly there was a strike and my line was gone. "Oh crap" I exclaimed as I reeled in the first catch of the day. John was on his knees at the front of the boat and when he saw I had a fish he just shook his head then stuck it underwater. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to" I cried as he stuck his head under one more time and screamed. After a few throws he caught himself a pretty striped bass.

Having a great time

We went from one location to another and I was mesmerized by the beauty. My favorite place had to be the stairs that led up to nothing. I figured someone had a home there once but now it was over grown.
Stairs to Nowhere

All in all it was a great day. It was my first time to go fishing on a small boat. My first time to drive a boat and my first time to fall out of a boat. How did I fall out? We won't go there.

My turn to drive

Monday, June 8, 2009

I Dub thee Petunia

Since I am not able to take long walks yet ( as per Dr. Krause) John and I did a little recon mission in the toy department at Wal-mart. After searching through the bikes hanging high above my head I had sticker shock. Didn't they have a bike that I liked that didn't cost half my pay. I have just a couple prerequisites. First it must be multi speed, then it had to be at least 27 inches, last but not least it had to be purple. I will not buy a bike that is any other color than purple. I was about to give up when we rounded the corner to look at the last isle of bikes. There above my head out of my reach was a purple and white 18 speed bike for less than a hundred bucks. That's the one I whispered to John. Being the Marine he is he muscled the bike down from it's lofty perch. I happily walked beside him as he pushed the bike to the front registers. He had threatened to ride it through the store but decided against it because it was my work place. Once the bike was paid for he rode it out of the store and through the parking lot to the truck. I was all smiles I had a new bike. When we arrived home I rode her around the long drive and the house and workshop. I loved her. Today is my first day of vacation so I plan on going for my first long ride around the area. I am starting my goal to be in good enough shape to trek the Appalachia Trail from Georgia to Maine. I have four years to get in shape for that huge undertaking.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Pulling his leg

I must admit I love John. He is one of the most caring people I have known. He loves to go fishing which is one of my favorite past times. We had a chat the other day and I was touched at how he opened up to me so I decided to give him a little excitement. Yesterday I concocted a little scheme while he was taking a little power nap on the floor with Bridget. He had been making a card for someone and left his alphabet stamps by the computer. I reached over then grabbed a piece of paper from a legal pad and made a Ransom note. The note read

I have your fishing pole

do as I say or

you will never

see it again

I then hung it in the bathroom and waited patiently for him to find it. Just before we were to head over to the big house for dinner he found the note. HE yelled "Oh no you don't mess with a man's fishing pole" I just laughed an evil laugh then walked out the door. HE played the forlorn angler a bit but then we went on with the daily ritual of dinner, cleaning up then coming back to the pea pod for the evening. This morning he was busy getting the trash together at the big house and here so I made up a new note with my computer. it read


Your fishing pole is safe for now

do as you are told and we will return her

she cried for you last night

When he came in the pea pod I asked him to please put the alcohol in the bathroom. When he opened the door he cried out "Oh no you didn't" I laughed as he ran out the door with note in hand then headed over to the big house. He came back then told me to make sure I was dressed the police were on the way. When he walked out again I printed up a fake fishing report saying that it was a record year for anglers and trophy size Bass were biting on anything you put in the water.

I think John is enjoying the little game. Now I need to think up a Ransom. Any suggestions?

to be continued......

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Birthday Perfection

Just wanted to thank everyone for the perfect birthday yesterday. Now that I am the big 50 I promise to blog more often so I don't forget. Memory goes first . Right?

Mater the Lawnboy

Mater has learned a new bad habit. A few weeks ago John was mowing the grass in the fenced back yard on the riding mower. Mater, Bridget and I were back there picking up sticks and the scattered toys. John stopped the mower long enough for Mater to trot over and ask for a little attention. John picked him up then restarted the mower. Mater enjoyed helping mow the lawn so much he now thinks that when he hears the mower going he needs to be on board.
Usually Mater and Bridget stay around us and the Pea Pod when we are home. While I am icing cakes at Wal-Mart they stay with John but when the two of us are busy they stay in the fenced in back yard at the big house with the Coffman bunch. The Coffman bunch consist of a Basset Hound named Lucy, a Peke a weenie named Jada, a chihuahua named Dora, a Chihuahua named Barney, a BT wawwa named Benson and a who knows what named Molly plus a slew of cats. I must say my two fur kids get spoiled at home and in the big house. This is probably why Bridget gained so much weight.
Last week when John was working around the Pea Pod he had Mater and Bridget outside enjoying themselves. Since the whole ranch is fenced they are safe. Major Jim was on the riding mower cutting the front half of the ranch. John looked up and Mater was missing. He went on a recon mission to find the missing brown and white kid. Low and behold there he was in Major Jim's lap mowing the grass. He said he couldn't say much because he was with the Major. Later that day we found out that Mater has made a habit of insisting on riding on the mower. Maybe Mater was a Lawn boy in a previous life. He hates riding in the car but he loves the lawn mower.
Bridget was a problem at first but since she has gained so much weight she stays pretty close to the pea pod. Mater is now the one that we have to go searching for. If he is not hanging out with the Major he is by the fence visiting the neighbor's goats or harassing a cat or two. The other day John scolded Mater for trying to run off and mow the lawn. Mater came back like a good boy but was seen minutes later slinking like a cat in the high grass trying to sneak away. Maybe we should get Mater his own riding lawn mower then lease him out so we can make extra money with out breaking a sweat.