Cindy with Candy and Chesty P

Cindy with Candy and Chesty P
My beautiful babies

Monday, September 29, 2014

Each day

Before I was diagnosed with breast cancer I cannot honestly say I knew someone with breast cancer. Today it is so strange because I meet someone new with a victory story of a loved on that lost someone to breast cancer every time i turn around. I am amazed at how many strong women that I have met and I am yet to make it to the surgeon or treatment. These are women in line at the grocery store. Women that I strike up a conversation with or women that I meet or see during an average day. I really don't even need to leave the house because I have received numerous message from Facebook friends that are going through it, have survived it or have lost a loved one.
The stories are remarkable and full of encouragement. I have met people that were in all stages from newly diagnosed, in treatment or just being told that they are cancer free. Everyone of them encourage me to stay positive no matter how bad I feel. Some tell me their biggest encouragement came from watching children in treatment. I have heard more successful stories over those that have lost someone. I have met women without hair proudly sporting bald heads and those that you would never know what they are going through due to the camouflage that they use to cover up what the chemo has done to their hair, their body and their energy. I just hope that I am able to keep my spirit so that I can also be an encouragement for someone else.
Research has consumed my life and I have a notebook with questions for the doctor when I go for my appointment. Once I know exactly what I will be facing then I will be able to plot and plan my way to a health cancer free existence. There is one thing that breast cancer failed to check before it decided to invade my body and my life.... I am a fighter and I am to stubborn to go down without a fight.
I am woman...hear me roar!!!

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