Cindy with Candy and Chesty P

Cindy with Candy and Chesty P
My beautiful babies

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

It's in the Bag

Today I decided that I needed some Cindy time and took a trip to Walmart all by my lonesome. John was worried about my intestinal issues but I assured him I would be able to go to Walmart and back without any explosions. I pulled out my overalls and my long sleeve shirt then put on my shoes and my pretty pink breast cancer awareness cap and scooted out the door.

I love Walmart during the week just after 10 am. There are people shopping but the store is fairly quiet and not crowded. I pulled out my list of things to look at and things we needed solutions for. I had not been in the store a good 10 minutes when a nice lady walked up to me and smiled then added “ Stay strong honey, I remember you in my prayers” I thanked her and we both went our own way.

Isle by isle I was enjoying myself, taking my time and bopping to the piped in music. I found the few things on my list then ended up in the fabric area at the cheap fabric wall. Since the panels for the living room was too expensive considering I would need more than 3 panels I was excited to find a scalloped edged lace for $2.50 per yard. Solution to the problem at hand; for the price of one panel I was able to panel two windows and cover a third small window with a lace curtain and valance.
I also found some wonderful fabric that would make great drapes for our bedroom for $1.50 a yard. Problem with that is once we measured it I was only enough for one window and I didn’t want to take a chance of not being able to find more at another store. As I was searching the shelf to see if by chance there was another bolt somewhere I found the same material in green so I bought 2 yards for a kitchen tablecloth. $3 is a bargain for a nice mid-weight tablecloth.

When I saw the material with the aprons on it then saw it was not one of the clearance fabric bolts I sighed. Of course there was no associate in sight so I simply called the store and asked the operator to call someone for me. Another customer walked up to me with questions about the chemo and what the side effects are.  Once I explained that I had 6 different drugs infused and they all had different side effects. I covered a few like possible heart problems, swelling, and weight gain I also explained the nausea, intestinal problems and hair loss. She was glad to know that not all chemo meds caused hair loss because one of her friends at church was to start chemo soon.

Since the associate had not arrived after that lengthy conversation I called the operator once again. She apologized and I explained that I worked at Walmart in the past I understand.  As soon as she announced the need for help on the PA a young man walked up to help. Actually he was a member of management and he happily cut my fabric. By the time he finished my order he had three other women waiting. There was a nice lady from Texas there and of course he had to brag about Texas and how we wished Jacksonville would learn to be a little like Texas.

By that time John had called worried that I was sick and sitting somewhere. I explained that I had just taken a page from his book and had been talking to all sorts of people. I rushed to get the few food stuffs we needed and went to the produce department to get me some apples and Halos. A young woman walked up to me all excited and told me to fight the good fight and chattered away. My chemo brain could not keep up with her so I smiled and nodded.
After two more conversations at the checkout I made it home in one piece, worn to a frazzle. I am amazed at how many people approached me to encourage me and offer prayers. With all of the prayers that I receive and all of the good wishes and love that come from all of you I have this cancer thing in the bag.

Thank you and I love you all!

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