Cindy with Candy and Chesty P

Cindy with Candy and Chesty P
My beautiful babies

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Fishy sort of Day

Sorry Mater but you can't go this time.

Today John took me fishing on Inks Lake. We usually go there and fish from the bank but since I am on vacation he decided to take me out in the boat. We got up at 4am then ate a light breakfast before making sure all was well in the animal kingdom at the big house. We had loaded the boat and truck up last night so we could get to the lake at sunrise.

Sunrise June 9, 2009 at Inks Lake

My job was to hold the Blue Skeeter's leash while John pulled the trailer out from under her. She slowly slid off the floated their patiently until John parked the truck the hurried back to climb in then hold her still so I could climb in too. Once we were in the boat he strapped my new yellow and black life jacket on me then put his Bass Pro Shop live vest on before he turned the key and started the motor. We idled out to the marker.
John The Captain oops I mean Sargent

So happy

John pushed the throttle and we were sailing on top of the water as he headed out to a few placed he wanted to fish. The first place we stopped I was anxious to fish so while John was figuring out which rod to use I cast out side ways then reeled in slowly. Suddenly there was a strike and my line was gone. "Oh crap" I exclaimed as I reeled in the first catch of the day. John was on his knees at the front of the boat and when he saw I had a fish he just shook his head then stuck it underwater. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to" I cried as he stuck his head under one more time and screamed. After a few throws he caught himself a pretty striped bass.

Having a great time

We went from one location to another and I was mesmerized by the beauty. My favorite place had to be the stairs that led up to nothing. I figured someone had a home there once but now it was over grown.
Stairs to Nowhere

All in all it was a great day. It was my first time to go fishing on a small boat. My first time to drive a boat and my first time to fall out of a boat. How did I fall out? We won't go there.

My turn to drive

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