Cindy with Candy and Chesty P

Cindy with Candy and Chesty P
My beautiful babies

Monday, November 24, 2014

Round 2 Suck it up and Move on

They said round 2 was going to be better… they said oh it will not be as bad. They lied!
For some reason round 2 felt like it was going to do me in. Anti-nausea pills did not work even being used in combination.  I could not bear light and my eyes were even so bad I could not see. I covered my eyes during the day and nothing would stay down. This all started Thursday just 2 days past the infusion.  If I tried to eat it came right back up. My nasal passages bleed on a regular basis and forget about doing anything.  Sunday was a little better since everything stayed in and I was able to tolerate soup, crackers and toast. I hate to sound like I am complaining but this is a part of dealing with chemotherapy.
John dealt with the whole thing until I started to tell him of my weird dreams and weird ideas. He exclaimed the drugs were really giving me the crazies.  When I started listing foods I wanted to eat as if I had been a contestant on Survivor he just shook his head and requested I make a list.
Rice Krispy Treats
Pumpkin Pie
Cherry Pie
Apple Strudel
Prune and Apricot Kolaches
… All of these foods sounding good at a time that I could not eat or hold down water.  As the list grew everything else I did to try to eat failed. When you can’t even hold down water your body gets weak which makes it harder to deal with the chemical overload that has been dealt to the body. 
Tomorrow will be one week since round two and after the hell that I just drug myself through I will need to start preparing for round 3 in 2 weeks.  I can’t feel sorry for myself there is no time. I just need to suck it up move on.

1 comment:

Sandy said...

Cindy, get some Ayr Saline Nasal Gel for the dryness in your nose. It will help prevent the nose bleeds.