Cindy with Candy and Chesty P

Cindy with Candy and Chesty P
My beautiful babies

Friday, November 28, 2014

Good Day 2...keep em coming!

Wow, this makes day two that I have felt actually good. I was careful to not over eat yesterday and ate small portions throughout the day. The food still has a funny after taste but I get it in and it processes the right way. I get aggravated with myself due to the fact I still get dizzy and I am still weak. When you are used to being productive in some manner it is hard on your psyche to not be able to get things done.
The power port incision has almost healed the whole way except for this curious opening at the end that had a plastic suture sticking out. I was told as if gets longer just snip it off. After showering yesterday the opening hurt. I looked over and the scab was actually a big portion of the stitch. Carefully with tweezers and clean scissors I cut that booger away and in no time felt better. For some reason I think that is some sort of wick to prevent the thing from closing on the outside before it heals on the inside.
Friends and family continue to encourage me and keep me in their prayers. I know I am not alone in this but there are times when I am so sick or feel so bad I feel alone as I watch the world spinning away outside the window. I am grateful for every one that keeps me in their thoughts and prayers and believe me I will return the favor because now I know how it feels to be so sick that you just want to cry. Thank you so much for being here with me.

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