Cindy with Candy and Chesty P

Cindy with Candy and Chesty P
My beautiful babies

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Mickey D Memorial Page

Good Night, Loyal Friend You rest now, old friend,
We have had to let you go;
But we will forever remember
The loyalty you always showed.
You exuberantly filled our home
Like an overflowing cup
With so much playful fun and joy
From the time you were just a pup.
You were faithful companion,
Watchdog, foot warmer, brat.
What we would gladly give now
To still have any of that.
Never a day went by
When you were strong and well
That we didn't look on you with love
And feel our hearts swell...
With such deep sorrow,
We watched you grow old
We watched your body become weak
where it had once been bold.
So, you rest now, old friend,
We have had to let you go.
We will forever cherish your memory
And we will always miss you so.
November 5, 2007 In Memory of A'Keelah copyright©2007 Cherie Thompson
I belong to several online message boards that are frequented by Boston Terrier people one of which is MSN Bostons R US. When Mickey crossed the Rainbow Bridge I had posted a message saying I had lost my best friend and everyone there sent me sweet words of comfort. The manager of the message board made Mickey a Memorial page and I wanted to share it with everyone. I know my sweet Mickey is gone but his love still lingers in my heart. You can view his memorial page at

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