Cindy with Candy and Chesty P

Cindy with Candy and Chesty P
My beautiful babies

Thursday, April 17, 2008

No Hard Feelings

No hard feelings
I just wanted to post that I do not have any hard feelings against Pit Bulls. Some of the sweetest dogs I have met have been giant pits full of love. Haze just became a different dog after he turned a year. It started with him killing my daughters rabbits not once but twice. I blame his owner for not taking good care of him and letting him roam the neighborhood. I believe he was just doing what dogs do. This past Halloween he came in our yard and attacked Domino. If it had not been for my daughter snatching Domino up and getting bit in the ass Haze would have killed Domino then. I told his owner then that he needed to do something with Haze that he had changed from that sweet lovable dog that we all knew to a mean dog. The way he decided to handle the problem was to chain him up. I am so against chaining a dog I feel it is inhumane and the owner should be forced to wear a chain. Pit Bulls are not bad dogs if they are raised properly. As a matter of fact any breed of dog is capable of becoming mean and killing. I was just hurt and lashed out. I should not have written that a pit bull killed Domino I should have just said a neighbors dog. If Haze's owner had not insisted on teaching Haze to attack then I believe he would still be the sweet lovable dog that would come and jump in the back of my truck and sit with me, Mickey and Domino. For some reason the young men in my neighborhood think that it is cool to get these dogs and make them mean. They are the ones I want to slap the shit out of and you know who you are. Pets are not meant to be weapons. I may be a peace loving hippie but I will not hesitate to stop and tell these young stupid men what a problem they cause for such a fine breed of dog. Just hope I am in a good mood or I may cold cock them in the memory of Domino.

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