Cindy with Candy and Chesty P

Cindy with Candy and Chesty P
My beautiful babies

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

My Spiritual Advisor Said I have Free Will

On our little trip to The Ranch Elizabeth brought up a good question she asked if we were more racist or sexist. Kinky replied both. I kept my mouth shut because I didn’t want to ruin the visit by getting up on my soap box. The truth is we are Americans we are just a bunch of assholes that think we were better than everyone. Hey it just comes with the territory. Now the news is teaming with people spouting off about Obama’s Spiritual Advisor and his racially charged sermons I guess a more recent one where he says God Damn America. I admit some of the things he preaches is a bit far fetched i.e. aids being planted in the black community by the government but you have to take this for what it is a sermon. I admit I do not support Obama I feel he would make a better cult leader than a president I have voiced this many times and irked a few people but hey it is my opinion and I have the right to my opinion and I have the right by the constitution to voice that opinion. This is one of the great things about America we have rights. The problem is sometimes we get carried away with theses rights and take things a bit too far.

The media has a great way of blowing things out of proportion. I repeat the
Clinton /Lewenski thing was blown out of proportion. That was a private matter that was dragged into our lives thanks to the media. I really don’t care if the man got lucky. Hell I think he’s quite the handsome man and if he wasn’t married I believe I would love to slide up to him sometime. I’d even bring my own cigar.

I’m tired of seeing all kinds of negative things about politicians in the news. They are human beings capable of screwing up no one is perfect. I don’t care who is sending who emails of a sexual nature. That is their business. If one or the other doesn’t like it then they need to take the steps to stop it. This has no place in the media. Who cares I don’t and if you do then maybe you need to get a life.

The religion thing is just that a religion thing. We all have our beliefs and if you want to follow blindly behind someone and become a legion to this charismatic person then go for it. I myself want to be a free thinker and follow what I feel is right for me after all I am the one that has to pay for the things I do in this life. There is no line in the next life that says I screwed up because I listened to someone else. No ma’am you pay for your deeds and no one else. You are held responsible and have to repeat the lessons that you do not learn. As the Christians like to say you burn in hell for your sins and no one else’s. I myself do not believe in the Heaven and Hell thing I believe that was invented by the church to keep us in line. It doesn’t matter because we all have free will and if we do something wrong it is because we chose to do it and that is that plain and simple. Believe me I am no angel I have done plenty in my life that I should not have done but in doing so no one ever got hurt and I have never said I was forced into it. I admitted that I was at fault. I would not want you to think badly of me because I happened to go to a church that the minister or preacher had an opinion that seemed out there. Hell just because you have a spiritual advisor doesn’t mean you follow blindly. Don’t get me wrong I still believe Obama would make a better cult leader than a president because people seem to follow him blindly because he is charismatic. I guess I am immune because I really don’t like the guy I don’t care what Oprah says. Actually I don’t like any of the candidates but I will vote for Hillary and if she doesn’t get the nomination then I will vote for McCain. I don’t follow political party lines. I just vote for the person I think will do the best job. I like Hillary and think she could do a great job as President and it is not because she is a woman it is because of all the things that she has done in her life before. I like McCain for being a strong man and have seen him cross party lines before. Frankly I think we need to get rid of the two party system.

I guess the whole purpose of this blog is to say stop listening to all the bunk the media is throwing at us and think for your self. Look at the facts and weight them closely. We are a country of free thinkers but most of us seem to take the easy way and slide in behind someone and follow. Stand up for yourself and quit being Joe Blows whipping boy. Get a life and turn that television off. Read a book for god sake or better yet write a book, write a letter, write a sentence just use your brain and quit following. We all have brains we need to use them. Stop letting your surroundings define you. Don’t let your illness define you. Look in the mirror and say Thank You because I know there is something in your life worth saying thank you for. If you want to figure out who you are and where you are going do me a favor and read THE SECRET. I tell you it will make a great change in you it did for me. Once enough of us tune out the media they will see that they have to change. There will be no more sensationalism there will be less bad news and more positive things being reported. The people feed them so we can change them. Don’t get me wrong we do need to have then news so we know what is going on in the world but you can not believe everything they say. They claim to be bias but you know they all have their own agenda no one is truly bias. We all lean one way or the other because it is not wise to sit on a barbed wire fence those barbs cut deep. It is okay to jump from one side to the other because it is okay to change your mind. Remember free will.

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