Cindy with Candy and Chesty P

Cindy with Candy and Chesty P
My beautiful babies

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

write or wrong

I have been doing a lot of writing lately from working on my current book and working with the publisher on the book that is the process of being published to writing my email and blog. Okay I haven’t written a blog in a week but that’s because I have been doing a lot of things away from the computer like visiting the new grandbaby and spending time with friends and loved ones. I actually talked to my mother for an hour and forty five minutes but you should only count that as an hour because I spent most of the time repeating myself because she didn’t remember what I had said ten minutes before. I think I told her the new grand baby was a boy and his name was Jamie three times. I told her I hadn’t talked to my sister twice and yes I wanted a divorce several times. This long conversation was thanks to me calling her on Easter morning because Christianity is a big deal to her.
My daughter Kikki and I had a long conversation one day last week about the whole religion thing. She said that she did not believe in religion at all but since there were people in her family and James’s family that were Christians she would have baby Jamie baptized when he was a little older out of respect for those people. I agreed with her sometimes we have to put our beliefs aside to please our loved ones. It is amazing how your children grow up right in front of you but you don’t realize it until you see them being adults. I myself decided that once they reached the age to be considered an adult my part was finished. I will be there for guidance and advice but hey their life is their own I don’t make their decisions for them and I don’t live their lives. In return I expect them to not tell me how to live mine. If I want to start my own commune with thirty men then that is my business. Okay thirty men may be a bit much so maybe I should cut that in half …. Okay no more than ten. Maybe more than two would be stupid but five would be better since there would be one for each week day giving me weekends off. OH HELL NO!
I haven’t lost my mind totally I don’t think I’m ready for any man to be in my life. After spending the better part of the last year figuring out who the hell I am then setting my goals and achieving them one by one why would I want to give control over to another man. I just worked through my freedom I don’t want to become an indentured slave once more. Now I know there are a few of you that are saying I know of one man you would give it all over to. NO!
As much as I like him I think there is something wrong with him other than the obvious. I want a partner not a boss. I want a friend not a supervisor. I want tenderness and affection not lust. Maybe I’m just not ready to have another man in my life in that way confusing me.

Now to change the subject the publisher sent me a seven page questionnaire yesterday which took the better part of the day compiling the information and answering the questions. I was glad once it was through because that marked the end of the pre editing stage and I now move into the editing stage of book publishing. I am looking forward to getting the proof sheets so I can go over them because that is the most time consuming part of getting a book published. The funny thing is I have been working away steady at the next book in line all the while coming up with other story ideas and information for future projects. Judging by the pages I have compiled on paper and on computer this writing thing will consume a big part of my life. I have had fun doing research and find myself coming up with story ideas as I am driving along. I saw a Montgomery County Sheriff yesterday and said to Josh, who happened to be in the truck with me, I need to talk to one of those guys but I need a nice friendly one that likes to talk. He asked me why I wanted to talk to a sheriff and I replied story ideas and research. The funny thing is as we drive by the building that my husband was killed in as per my story line everyone points and says that’s where Tommy/ dad was killed. I find this funny that they feel they need to tell me this each time we pass by. I know I killed him there but remember there is a twist after all it is fiction and you can have your cake and eat it too if you write fiction.
Man I love being a writer.

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