Cindy with Candy and Chesty P

Cindy with Candy and Chesty P
My beautiful babies

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Onion Rings for the babys while I multitask

Yesterday I had an outing with my boys and it was Mater’s first time to be out of the house and neighborhood and on a leash as well. He didn’t like the leash idea at first but after ten feet of being pulled he decided walking was better and took off. I don’t know who enjoyed the nature walk more me or the boys. I decided to try a new trail in the new Creekside Village area of The Woodlands and it was enjoyable. I wished the trail was longer but that was all it had to offer at this point in time. I am looking forward to taking the boys hiking in the Hill Country. As I went out tonight to fill my truck with gas I let Domino ride with me and he ended up getting a burger at Sonic because he went nuts when we passed by. I don’t think he remembers eating there I think he just smelled the hamburgers cooking. After filling up the gas tank and listening to Domino whine because he smelled hamburgers I gave in and bought him and Mater a burger and of all things onion rings. I guess I will pay for that in the days to come because of the gas factor behind Boston Terriers and onion rings. It doesn’t matter because I love my boys and life is good. Well I’m off to bed as soon as I close out my chat and say goodbye to my online friends. I sit here writing my blog, chatting to a few friends and texting a friend at the same time. I guess I am truly a multitasker.

1 comment:

A NON Y Mouse said...

FYI_onions (raw primarily), raisins, sugarfree-gum,
coffee grounds, chocolate are toxic to dogs.
They can't break down or deal with certain enzymes/protiens they contain.

Cooked onions still not so easy on little dogs stomach.

Avoid them all-keep garbage cans sealed.

That said.... cute dogs