Cindy with Candy and Chesty P

Cindy with Candy and Chesty P
My beautiful babies

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Earth Day

Happy Earth Day
I was just a babe in the 60’s and just missed the whole hippie movement. I am an old hippie at heart though. I remember loving to recycle when the facilities were close to home. The inhabitants of my home grew tired of me separating the paper, plastics and glass by color and number. I didn’t care what they thought I was helping the environment. I remember lamenting about those that bagged their lawn waste and placed it out for the garbage pickup. This was filling up our landfills with unnecessary clutter.
Today is earth day and I wonder if the changes we have made since the first earth day have helped. Do enough of us care about our mother earth?
I live in a rural area and there are no recycling places nearby. I feel guilty when I throw away magazines and papers because I know they could be recycled. When I am at wally world I make sure that my plastic water bottles go into the plastic recycling container. At least I recycle at work. I take my printer cartridges to Office Depot for recycling. What else can I do?
Dear Mother Earth I am Sorry for not doing more.

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