Cindy with Candy and Chesty P

Cindy with Candy and Chesty P
My beautiful babies

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Live Laugh Love

Live Laugh Love

Between researching, writing papers and my duties I have tried to squeeze in a little living laughter and love. Love is the easy part I have two fur covered babies and a retired Marine that keep me smiling. Need I not forget three skin kids and grandkids that continually let me know that they are there.
I have been working on the transfer of property for several months. Sometimes I wonder why people lie to me but figure that is their way of dealing with life. I have learned to take a lot of what they say with a grain of salt.
Laughing I try to do every day. I laugh at some of the stupid things in life, I laugh at the antics of those fur covered babies and I laugh at the jokes and funny videos I get in my email every day. Now I laugh at those that say I can’t do something.
Here is a lesson for those doubters out there. Tell me I can’t do something because of age or circumstance and I will laugh at you and do it.
I am not stubborn… my way is just better!
Look here Bucko I am living my life my way!

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