Cindy with Candy and Chesty P

Cindy with Candy and Chesty P
My beautiful babies

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

And the research begins

I was fortunate enough to be thrown into the position of Service Desk clerk for three weeks. I guess you could say it is baptism by fire because I had all of one hour watching someone do it then I was placed in the position. Today was my first full day and I must say I enjoyed it but I hated the money grams. I did get to interact with a bunch of new associates that were thrilled to ask me every question imaginable about my novel and Kinky. I explained I rarely talk to him and no, he doesn’t know I am starting a new project because I want to do research first.
These conversations take place in-between customers and sometimes the customers join in.
All I can say is Kinky better run for governor because I have put in a lot of time campaigning for him. The people that I have discussed the book idea with thinks it's brilliant and have encouraged me to write up a proposal then pitch my idea to the next governor.
Elizabeth and I went to the gym early this morning before work and as we sat in the sauna Elizabeth asked me about the new idea and I told her I would start the research tonight after work. A woman sitting across the hot box asked what I was working on so I explained my idea to her. She was impressed and said that I was right about the interest on the subject and she felt the book would be read by a large audience because it would cover high school/ college age over into all adults. Once I saw her point I agreed thus giving me more momentum to do the book. Then we found out that the lady was herself an author and was currently working on a grammar book.
Now that I have so many people interested in the book I have to do it.With the new position as service desk clerk I am guaranteed forty hours and a shift of 11am to 8pm with Wednesday and Thursday off for three weeks until the new store opens. I will use this time to work on my research and prepare for that moment when I face Mr. Friedman and pitch my idea to him.
I will just keep busy as the universe aligns itself for me.

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