Cindy with Candy and Chesty P

Cindy with Candy and Chesty P
My beautiful babies

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

When is it time to say goodbye?

Mickey has been my best friend for over thirteen years and I am grateful that he has been in my life. We have lots of happy memories and good times to look back at and smile. I snuggle with him at night and enjoy the warmth of his fur covered body. Lately Mickey has been going down hill fast. He has lost weight, his hearing has diminished and his eye sight is failing yet he sits by my feet as I write this blog because that is what your best friend does. I have been devoted to him as well as he has been devoted to me. A year and a half ago he was bitten several times by a copperhead and since then he has not been the same.
Each day I have to face the possibility that I may loose him and I worry that it will happen when I am not home to say goodbye. Lately he will fall over for no reason and he sits cries and whimpers. The Vet gave him pain pills but I don't know if they improve the quality of his life. The big question is am I holding on to him for my sake which is not improving the quality of his life? I don't want to be the bad guy here I don't want to have him put to sleep to ease my conscience. I have been told it is my decision but that has to be the hardest decision in the world to make. Mickey can't look me in the eyes and say "Momma I hurt and I'm tired let me go."
I don't know what to do and I hurt seeing him suffer but he is so happy when I am home to cuddle him in my arms. He lies at my side at night and sighs just as I pull him close to kiss him goodnight. Everyone around me tells me that it is time to let him go but I am not sure myself.
I wish there was a way for him to tell me what he wants because I owe him my life he has been there for me and has given me a reason to go on in more than one instance.
I love you Mickey please help momma know what to do.

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