Cindy with Candy and Chesty P

Cindy with Candy and Chesty P
My beautiful babies

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Keeping positive

Keeping positive Maybe it was something to do with the new moon or possibly the low tide or just the fact that it is hard to stay positive twenty four seven when you have negative people surrounding you. I have been off work for a few days thanks to an inner ear infection so I have been stuck between the four walls with a constant barrage of negative comments from all sides.

Elizabeth keeps telling me to be positive and believe me I try.I had a great idea for another book the other night so I wrote it down and I think I will pitch the idea to my favorite gubernatorial candidate to see what he thinks. I will just need to apply for a grant or loan or something to cover my living expenses for two years while I write and compile the information for the book.

In the dream I was telling him about my book idea and I told him if you steal my ideal I will hunt you down and kick your ass. He smiled and I said okay if you smile at me like that I probably couldn't kick your ass but I will definitely hunt you down.

I told my boys about the idea but I think they are tired of me and my ideas so they just blew me off. Kikki said that it was a great idea but it would probably drive one of us crazy before the two years were up but she would love to be my assistant if I decided to do the book and Kinky agreed.

I told her it would be more likely a year and a half and my money was on Kinky being the sane one in the end because I was possibly insane already.

For obvious reasons I am not mentioning the book idea here because it is so great someone is sure to steal it from me. Now I need to come up with a great pitch and presentation to sell my idea to the right people.
I guess this means I will be busy working on a plan to make my latest dream come true. Hey I won’t have time to think negative thoughts or let others negativity bring me down.
If all goes well I will be busy starting this summer all the way up until mid to late November 2010. WOOO WHOOO!!!!
What am I saying I will definitely be busy working on my next project!

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