Cindy with Candy and Chesty P

Cindy with Candy and Chesty P
My beautiful babies

Saturday, February 16, 2008

I love you and Goodbye

We had a chance to see what it would be like to be as one. I did not like the result
We had a life that slowly grew apart. You refused to grow.
We had a family and great kids to boot. You refused to contribute.
We had a home and I worked hard to keep it happy. You brought home anger and resentment.
We had a friendship. You would not allow me to have friends other than you.

No matter how hard I tried I now realize that one can not make a couple, one can not work as two, one can not make a team, and to be the only one to sacrifice makes you the sacrifice.
Now that we are no longer together I am happier.
Now that we are no longer together I have hope.
Now that we are no longer together I am free.
Now that we are no longer together I am productive.
Now that we are no longer together I see a future brighter than any I have ever dreamed possible because there is no one to hold me back and tell me that I can not do it.
There is no one to drag me down because they are afraid to leave their comfort zone and try something new.
Now that we are no longer together I have friends.

Thank you for the years.
Thank you for the tears.
Thank you for the pain.
Thank you for the smiles.
Thank you for the miles.
Thank you for the children.
Thank you for the lessons I had to learn.
But most of all thank you for letting me go.


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