Cindy with Candy and Chesty P

Cindy with Candy and Chesty P
My beautiful babies

Friday, February 1, 2008

Contract in Hand

Wednesday morning I decided to check my email before heading off to my shift at Wal-Mart. As I read through the junk and deleted a majority of the email before opening I saw acquisitions at Publish America not once but twice so I clicked on the first one to find a contract so I clicked on the second one and found the acceptance letter for my book. I was so excited I jumped up and down then proceeded to run through the house and wake up the slumbering young adults to tell them the news. After rousting everyone from their dream state I came back to the computer and printed up the contract to go over during my lunch break at work. It was time to leave but before I left I emailed Sheena at work to tell her the good news then sent an email to my brother and sister plus a couple friends that have been encouraging me to follow my dreams. Before I left the neighborhood I stopped off at my daughter Kikki's to tell her the good news and ended up rousting her from her slumber also. I thought hey its 9am why can't I be in my warm bed dreaming too. Once I reached the first bridge I thought I should call Kinky and tell him the good news. Opening up the phone I thought no I don't want to bother him and closed it. By the time I reached the second bridge I had picked the phone back up and dialed the number. To my surprise he answered the phone. I figured I would get an answering machine and leave a message but no it was the Kinkster himself so I told him about the great news and he gave me a few pointers and asked a couple questions. I wanted to talk to him about a few other things but since Josh and Elizabeth are so long winded and we share minutes we are almost out of anytime minutes. I felt bad cutting the conversation short but I was nearly at work and did not want to endanger the extra charges on our phone bill. Before we said our goodbyes Kinky asked about Stewie again which I think is the sweetest thing ever. I love how he is so concerned about the little dog that he rescued. Now that is a true heart of a Texan to care about all living creatures. I'm glad that he is my inspiration.
Well the other news is I had to change the title of my book because someone else has a book with a similar title so now the title is OUT OF A TEXAS MIST plus one of my regular customers suggested I use Cindy Lou Ruffino as a pen name she said it sounds more Texan and is a memorable name. I am still on cloud nine.Yesterday I had another great thing happen. I took Kikki to the doctor and I saw Whatshisname for the first time on the ultrasound. He is a healthy good size baby even though she doesn’t look nearly eight months pregnant. With all this going on now you see why I haven't posted in a few days. I am still bouncing off the walls and have a million things I want to talk to Kinky about but I guess since it's time to head off to work they will have to wait and the walls of Wal-Mart will have to do their best to contain me today. At least I only work four hours today.

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