Cindy with Candy and Chesty P

Cindy with Candy and Chesty P
My beautiful babies

Monday, October 20, 2014

And another week begins

I made it through a week of going to the medical center every day for test, scans and doctor appointments and with a new week started I have an appointment for the whole body bone scan tomorrow and then they will insert my medi port on Wednesday. I am hoping that they will give me a couple of days to heal before they schedule my first chemotherapy session.
During the past week I have educated myself on the different types of treatment for the Her2 gene tumor and have learned in the past this was an awful gene to be diagnosed with. In essence the Her2 gene can multiply easier than any other type of tumor if left untreated.
I have also learned that there are all types of resources available for women and men with breast cancer. There are so many organizations available to offer rides, offer counseling and group meetings as well as assist in purchasing wigs and special garments.
I know once this is over and I am back on my feet I am going to make sure that I donate to as many of the organizations that I can and I will volunteer to speak to groups and women individually to help give support to those that are facing the same things that I am facing now.
I am a warrior!

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