Cindy with Candy and Chesty P

Cindy with Candy and Chesty P
My beautiful babies

Friday, October 24, 2014

Clowns and Chemotherapy... What a mixture!

Today I attended a Chemotherapy class at the Infusion Center. There were three of us and our spouses and it made it feel fairly casual and intimate. I was the only female and no one had the same cancer or battle plan. We learned what the program offered and were told what to prepare for during and after treatment. A pharmaceutical representative talked with us alone about the drugs that will be used and why they were chose for our treatment plan. I found this interesting because she highlighted how the drugs that they would be using on me targeted the Her2 cells in my tumor. They will be using 2 targeting drugs and 2 cancer fighting drugs to ensure that I will have success in my battle.
We learned that if our white blood cell count gets down they will not allow us to have a chemo treatment until the count gets back up. Then they told us that there were a troop of clowns that come through there once a week to entertain us. I replied as long as it is not Pennywise the clown I will be okay. The troop of clowns is led by a cancer survivor so I believe that it is a wonderful thing that they are doing.
I am staying positive yet there are times I catch my self-looking off and wondering if there was something that I had done in the past to be punished like this. John told me that way of thinking is a major thinking error and I should switch the channel when those thought enter my head. I am going to start taking my Book of Secrets with me to read during Chemo.
When we are given challenges or battles we don’t need to ask why all we need to do is say that we can beat that challenge and be grateful for the positive end results.
I am grateful that I am a cancer survivor! That will be my mantra from this point on.
I am Woman Hear Me roar!!!!

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