Cindy with Candy and Chesty P

Cindy with Candy and Chesty P
My beautiful babies

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Let's get this Party Started

I was scheduled for my first chemotherapy yesterday and I was prepared. I had my quilt, stuffed Boston Terrier, carrots, peanut butter crackers and water in my bag along with my ipad and drawing books to occupy my mind. The treatment was postponed one day due to the long wait in the financial office to ensure I am covered for the treatment. I was disappointed to say the least. Today I am stoked because I will be heading to the infusion center for my first treatment. I am ready to get this party started.
For those that do not know someone that has gone through chemo or experienced it yourself it is a long process. The chemicals that are used to fight the cancer is given through an IV in a slow drip. Most treatments are at least 2 hours. I have been told due to the medicines that will be given to me it may be 5 hours today for my treatment. Since I am Her2 positive they will be using drugs that target that gene in a combination along with another drug that is used to fight other breast cancer. Once the treatment is through I will be confined to my home for 3 days due to a lowered immune system from the treatment. I have a stock pile of soups and fruit for nourishment and a Gunny Sargent to ensure I eat even if I don’t want to. The chemo drugs can destroy your appetite as well as your taste buds. We bought some sherbet so if necessary John can make me a shake. I know that I need to eat to gain back my strength but one of my stubborn issues includes not eating when I feel bad or down.
Regardless of the outcome Iam ready to get this party started,

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