Cindy with Candy and Chesty P

Cindy with Candy and Chesty P
My beautiful babies

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Remove your clothes and follow me

Today was a learning experience. I left the house early and was the first victim in the PET and CT scan department. I learned the next time I am scheduled to have this sort of test done I am wearing a sports bra and sweat pants so I don’t have to get undressed. I was told about how horrible the barium taste but actually it wasn’t that bad. After the tracers were injected into my blood and I lay there for half an hour with my arms above my head and making sure that I did not move I think I fell asleep. Next thing I knew The Lab Tech was telling me I can bring my arms down and go get dressed. The University of Florida Health Center is a wonderful place and so far I have had nothing but positive experiences and everyone is caring and upbeat. I know the battle will be tough and the process is only starting but I believe that I am in good hands.
There are several coordinators handling my care and I have been given all sorts of information on assistance programs as well as support groups and organizations that are available to help me through this. I guess the best advice you can give someone that has been told that they have breast cancer is to listen, ask questions and take notes. There are organizations that can help in many ways. If you are given the opportunity to donate please do so because it is your donation that helps people like me with limited resources as well as women and men that do not have a big support system and may be facing this battle alone.

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