Cindy with Candy and Chesty P

Cindy with Candy and Chesty P
My beautiful babies

Sunday, January 27, 2008

The eight ball in the corner pocket

Last night my boys and their girls decided we needed a night out to unwind and celebrate my submitting my manuscript to the publisher and and my little chat with our future Governor Kinky . I rode with my son Justin and his girl Sheena while my son Josh and his wife Elizabeth picked up their friend Justin so there would be an even six. We all headed over to Barneys to play pool. I must say it was a blast. We played pairs and all of us had a great time. Elizabeth took her camera and took pictures but I haven't seen them yet. We call their friend little Justin because my son Justin is a big guy. Having a two Justin household can be difficult. He had just turned 22 on Friday so we were all trying to fix him up with different waitresses. I love my kids and I'm so glad that we have a great relationship. They love to tease me and unknowingly I have gave them ammunition with the whole Kinky Friedman thing so I was teased severely through out the night. That is okay I think it may be good for the skin to blush so much. I know the smiling and laughing makes me feel good. Here I am a 48 year old starting out her life and hanging out with a bunch of twenty somethings. What a life!

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