Cindy with Candy and Chesty P

Cindy with Candy and Chesty P
My beautiful babies

Monday, January 14, 2008

Not all is lost

One of our friends and neighbors lost everything but their lives last Thursday when their trailer home burned . Guy Dell and Janet have been living here about eleven years just a little shorter than our thirteen years. They have grown kids at home and two still in school. My son Josh and his wife Elizabeth used to share an apartment with their son Robert and had shared a rental trailer with Roberts brother Guy at one time. My daughter and son Justin are friends to all the kids and one of the step sons adopted one of the Boston Terrier rescues a couple years back. Janet and I have been neighborly and sat and enjoyed one another's company on several occasions but since I am not allowed to have friends neighbors are all we ever achieved.

Thursday when Josh and Kikki picked me up from work and brought me home as we turned the corner I mentioned that the fire was awfully close to the house then said it looks like the house was on fire. As we drew closer we saw the house was on fire. Poor Janet was screaming and falling on the ground as people were trying to get her away from the fire. We wondered where the fire department was considering the station was only two miles away. No sirens could be heard as we watched helplessly as their whole lives went up in smoke. Then the thought of Janet's little dog Ranger lept into my mind. As my daughter ask frantically where was Ranger no one answered. (It has been four days and still no Ranger.) Once the firetrucks arrived I asked Josh to drop me off at home because I could not take watching someones life go up in flames like that. As we drove down the street we watched as people walked toward the fire to witness the devastation for themselves. I just couldn't do it. The last few days Josh, Elizabeth Sheena and Justin have been calling and talking to local business and churches trying to get help for this poor family. They raised three thousand dollars in two days. The Dixon's still need a place to live but now they have some clothes but that is about it. The day after the fire they received a notice from the Harris County Health Department giving them fourteen days to clean up the mess the fire left. All I could think was how heartless could a person be to give someone a notice in less than two days of losing everything. They are lucky that they did not lose their lives. I still hold out hope for Ranger their elderly Maltese. I'm praying that if he didn't make it at least I hope his death was fast and painless.
This is one example of how no matter how bad you think you have it there is always someone in worse shape. Be thankful for what you have now because it doesn't take much to shatter your world no matter how secure you think it is. Be thankful for those in your life that you hold dear and tell them how important they are to you. Remember we are all mortal and our lives are only temporary. You better enjoy it while you can. Dance under the stars and give love to all those that you care for. Sing out with happiness because like in the Tarot cards there is always the Tower card that can end up in your reading telling of devastation and tragedy. Nothing in life is certain except death.

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