Cindy with Candy and Chesty P

Cindy with Candy and Chesty P
My beautiful babies

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Friends old, new and the ones to come.

Just before the new year my sister sent me an email telling me of an old friend wanting to get in touch with me. Verna worked with me at my first job when I was 15. We became friends hung out together then lost touch for a little while then got back together over a Pekingese thing then lost touch again. I have always enjoyed my friendship with Verna and I'm glad that we can now keep in touch again. Over the years I have made many good friends and lots of great friends but they seem to all move away or we just loose touch with one another. My keeper Tom is usually the blame for this because he has always felt friends get in the way of him being numero uno.
The past ten years or so most of my friends have been of the Internet type. We talk through emails and blogs or instant messaging. I enjoy these friendships because they are simple we encourage one another and share our lives via the Internet. Usually these friends have something in common with me and that is usually Boston Terriers or animal rescue.
That is the one thing that touches my heart the most, animals. I have been active in several rescues over the years and have rescued a few myself. I remember back in 1994 we drove to Rye Texas to rescue a sweet little female that had been pulled out of the Trinity river during a flood. We named her Trinity. She was covered with ant bites so once we loved her, healed her wounds and fattened her up we found her a forever home. If I had the money and the space I would do this a million times because it makes my heart sing knowing I helped a lost or abandoned animal that could not help itself.
Now back to the friends. I have had one friend in particular for the most part of ten years that lives down the street. Alice is a sweet heart and I love her like a sister. After many attempts of Tom trying to break up our friendship she is still there an unwavering friend just down the road that I rarely get to see. As I parked my truck at work the other day she pulled in behind me and said hey we were at the bank and saw you fly by. I laughed and said yeah I'm a little heavy on the foot sometimes. We chatted a bit and once she drove off I ran inside to clock in and do my job. I miss talking to her I need to make it a point to go down and visit more often.
I have many friends on the Internet and enjoy my conversations with them. Yes many live hundreds if not thousands of miles away but that does not stop the feeling of friendship. I Love them all. Some comment on my blogs regularly and some send me emails. I just want to let you know that my life would not be as rich if you weren't there. It's the friends that I make on Yahoo and Myspace that touch my life on a regular basis. I have been offered chances to meet some of theses people and met a couple of people from my Yahoo experiences that happened to live close to me. Then I have made friends through the Meetup group I started for the Boston Terriers. I enjoyed being a part of that and have considered starting it back up again now that I'm working and can afford the monthly fee now to get it going.
The thing is I just wanted to give praise to friendship no matter what form it comes in it is important to have friends in your life. I regret that I have let someone control me and my decisions in the past and I just want to say I want to make the best out of my life from this moment on. I will just end with this.
Welcome friends I'm so glad to hear from you.

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