Cindy with Candy and Chesty P

Cindy with Candy and Chesty P
My beautiful babies

Friday, January 4, 2008

Writing again

Okay I'm writing again. I started the sequel to The Mystery of the Lady in The Mist that takes place in The Woodlands. Yes I know the first one hasn't hit the publisher yet but this one was burning up my mind so I started it actually I had already started it before I finished the first one so I had to make a few minor changes. The title to this one is The Case of the Dead Husband. To answer your question yep the husband bites the dust in this one. This was actually the first dream I had back in May. The dream that started the Lady in the Mist was months later. I have to take advantage of the creative force that is driving me to write. I have been faithfully at my keyboard for five hours so I thought a break to post a blog was called for. The problem is Kinky is also in this one. ;o
To quote my favorite author maybe I need a check up from the neck up. It doesn't matter he was in the dream so I want to keep it as close to the dream as I can get. This time I get to use my family members and some of my favorite people in my neighborhood. Then there are two other manuscripts just inside the recess of my mind featuring my favorite cowboy just waiting to be released. I have tried to replace him a couple times but they just don't work out as well as the Kinkster. It's all his fault you know that right. LOL

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