Cindy with Candy and Chesty P

Cindy with Candy and Chesty P
My beautiful babies

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

I must apologize

If I have done anything or said anything to you in the past that has brought you pain I apologize.

If you have felt slighted by my actions I apologize.

If my words have cut through your heart and given you grief I apologize.

If I have treated you in a way that is disrespectful I apologize.

I just want you to know that I have never intended to hurt you in any way. Please accept my apology and lets move on with our lives whether it be together or apart. I believe in karma and the golden rule so I want to make sure my slate is clean and I have apologized for any slight I have inadvertently caused by my words or actions. I truly love and respect everyone that I meet. I love our earth and feel that the creator is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.
I want the rest of my life to mean something to me and those that I love. I want to be a shinning example of how all people should be. I will not hate, I will not hurt and I will not harm anyone or anything.

I love life and know my future is as bright as the stars. I believe in free will so I will not try to force my wishes or beliefs on anyone.

All I ask in return is a chance to fulfill my destiny and a chance to love openly and freely without having to worry about what others think. I am love and I am loved so I want to share love.

I have found the happiness that lives within me and now want to find the happiness that lives in the world without.

I promise to be supportive to all that touch my life and to be understanding of their nature. I accept everyone for the unique person that they are and I will not try to change them for they are perfect just the way they are just as I am perfect.

I am perfection in human form.

I will use my words to uplift and encourage.

I will use my arms to hold those I love

I will use my hands to do good works

I will use my heart to share love.

I will use my voice to share my philosophy only when asked.

Please join me in asking for forgiveness from your fellow man and lets begin the new year early by turning over a new leaf and sharing love and forgiveness with the universe. Help us to have a better world in which to live.

That which you put out returns to you.

I love you

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