Cindy with Candy and Chesty P

Cindy with Candy and Chesty P
My beautiful babies

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Too Much Stuff

When you work at a place where you are able to see people for what they are you end up realizing that we are nothing but consumers. We consume the air that we breathe, we consume space and we consume one another.
I am a fairly happy friendly person and I try to not let others bring me down with their negativity. I try to see the good in everyone. I enjoy the people that pass through my life as they come through my line. An elderly gentleman with a happy outlook came through the other day and when I ask how he was he replied "I'm great for an old Heb." I advised him no your great period. He enjoyed that so much he chattered away the whole time I was scanning and bagging his purchases. As I placed his bags in his cart he told me I was a sweet woman and he hoped I found my happiness. I replied I have it lies within. Laughing he walked away.
Yesterday I was extra tired and I noticed as I scanned one order after another that people buy too much stuff. Don't get me wrong if it were not for our consumer driven habits I would not have a job by all means spend your money as you please. Maybe it was all the useless holiday decorations I see coming through the lines that had me wondering or was it all those electronic gadgets. Customer after customer came through and each one had more useless stuff in their bags. I am as guilty as the next guy so I am not passing judgement. I have a collection of Boston Terrier stuff that just sits in a cabinet and collects dust that is all it is good for. I have a library of books that I have read at least once where as some I have read several times. The books are now packed away as I prepare to move when I find a place I can afford. Do I really need all this stuff that I have packed in these boxes for a month or two now. I don't even think I miss it.
There are people that rent storage places for their excess stuff that they don't use everyday. I don't want to harm the storage industry but do you really need this stuff if it is packed away in a building that you don't frequently visit?
Maybe we all need to look at our lives and see how wasteful we really are. We make mountains of garbage daily, we consume tons of useless calories with junk food, and we take up space. This year I am not buying gifts for my family I am donating to a Charity that helps others in need. I refuse to be a consumer and buy useless stuff to take up valuable space. If you know that you are on my holiday list you better pick your charity and let me know of your gift is headed to The Utopia Animal Rescue Ranch or The Boston Terrier Rescue of Greater Houston.

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