Cindy with Candy and Chesty P

Cindy with Candy and Chesty P
My beautiful babies

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Thinking Positive

After a full day at Wal-Mart today I decided to swing by my old job at Kroger and say hello to a few of the friends I had to leave behind when I changed jobs. They were excited to see me and were going on and on about how great I looked. I thought hey it's only been two weeks what did I look like crap before? They replied no you just look happy and your glowing. I replied okay I'm not in love and I'm not pregnant so I don't know where the glow is coming from except maybe since I am re-reading The Secret maybe that is having an effect on me.
I was a bit disappointed because Scott wasn't there to give me a hug so I will have to return tomorrow to pick up my novel in progress from Shelly who has been reading it. By the way Shelly thank you for the good review and yes I wrote it, you and the rest of my Kroger coworkers watched me do it. They keep asking me for progress reports and like I say it is out of my hands right now but I am positive it will be published. I am still waiting for Kinky's permission to use his name before I send it to the publisher. I know we all agree that a collaborative effort would be a dream come true but hey he's a busy man. My main goal is to get the thing published so I can share the fun story with many. I didn't send the whole story to him because I wasn't through but now that I am I wonder if I should send him the rest of the story so he knows the end. This poses a problem. Right now I need to get some rest because I need to be at Wal-Mart at 7am.

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